鎖倉(lock-up)或許一開始聽起來有點奇怪,為什麼我要將我挖到的Pi幣鎖定起來呢,有什麼道理? Pi Network在初始發展階段,為了讓更多人積極參與,所以在早期釋出相對大量的Pi幣給先鋒用戶,在經歷3年多的開發時間後,Pi的生態系統正要開始發展,為了讓「供需」達到一定的平衡,故Pi Network推出鎖倉獎勵機制,期望先鋒透過鎖倉不要在市場發展初期就有大量的Pi幣流通於市場。


注意:承諾鎖倉(Submit)之後就不能再針對此次映射進行更改,請務必考慮謹慎! 而第二次映射才可以針對鎖倉的時間和百分比進行調整,當然調整後的鎖倉獎勵也會隨著變更。

鎖倉的起算時間是從映射後開始計算 (不包含pending和排隊的時間)
鎖倉補充:於2022/6/29(GMT+8) Pi Network展示了一些主網後的映射細節須知,我們也將原文與重點整理放下文章下方供大家閱覽,內容中有說明到未來鎖倉是可以彈性隨機提前解鎖的,意思即如果您鎖1年,則有機會提前最多在第11個月就釋放鎖定的Pi幣,也就是最多提前一年(如下方所示),並且提前解鎖不會因為提前解鎖而影響到您的鎖倉獎勵。該鎖倉政策,主要是為了避免同樣鎖倉時間的先鋒於同個時間點大量釋放Pi幣到市場中,造成市場的熱錢過多而對生態造成不利的影響,更多細節待PCT公佈。

2022 Pi2Day更新關於主網鎖倉的機制說明(中文重點整理):
• 先鋒設定的鎖倉期將從14天的待定期(pending)結束後開始計算。(注意: 此14天的待定期未來將會變更)
• 只有1年和3年的鎖倉時間才能獲得提前釋放(解鎖)的折扣優待
• 提前解鎖的先鋒,還是可以享有初始鎖倉時間的鎖倉獎勵
• 提前解鎖設計為隨機,每個人提前釋放(解鎖)所分配到的時間不盡相同,也有可能都沒有獲得任何提前釋放(解鎖)的狀況發生
• 在映射主網後可以再重新調整鎖倉的比例和時間,直到下次映射,如果您期間沒有進行更改,將沿用前次的設定
• 此設計是為了防止大量同樣解鎖時間的先鋒,在同一時間釋放大量的幣到市場,造成供需失衡的可能
2022 Pi2Day更新關於主網鎖倉的機制說明(原文):
How do Lockups work on Pi Mainnet?
While the locked up Pi based on a Pioneer’s lockup settings (percentage and duration) will be transferred to the Mainnet blockchain visible in the Pioneer’s Mainnet wallet, their locked up Pi will not be transferable on the blockchain until the lockup duration time matures. The lockup duration set by the Pioneer begins at the end of the 14-day pending period.
There is an additional design to the lockup durations for a potentially better network effect. The longer durations, namely 1 year and 3 years, will end on a randomized, staggered basis. This is to avoid the situation where many Pioneers get their future long-term lockups released at the same time, given that they will migrate to the Mainnet blockchain at the same time. Specifically:
Pioneers with a 1-year lockup can get up to a 1-month “discount” on their lockup period, meaning their lockup can expire up to a month early on a random basis. However, all Pioneers will still benefit from the mining reward applicable to the 1-year lockup period through their actual lockup period. For example, if a Pioneer Pi Network Mainnet Migration and KYC Announcements locked up 100 Pi for 1 year, the actual lockup on the blockchain may be in 11 months and15 days based on this randomization, instead of exactly 12 months.
Pioneers with a 3-year lockup can similarly get up to a 3-month discount while still benefiting from the mining reward applicable to the 3-year lockup period.
The amount of discount will be applied randomly across Pioneers. For example, some Pioneers will have their 1-year lockup end a month early, some 20 days early, some 5 days early, some right at the 1-year mark, and so on. Even if the lockup ends a month early, the Pioneer will be able to accrue lockup mining rewards at the rate applicable to the 1-year lockup period through their actual lockup period of 11 months.
After your initial Mainnet transfer, the lockup setting for your next transfer—duration and percentage—will remain the same as your current one and will be applied to your future migrations automatically, unless you change these settings. You can adjust the settings anytime between any two transfers to the Mainnet—the saved changes will be applied to any next transfer to the Mainnet, and it will not affect any previous lockups already transferred. Please refer to the December Whitepaper for details on the lockup reward calculation.
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