2023年Pi Day快樂! 讓我們一起慶祝Pi Network正式發布4 週年。 隨著新產品的發布,我們提供了先鋒們如何在封閉式主網期間做出貢獻的指引,以讓我們更接近開放式主網。 觀看其中一位創始人 Nicolas Kokkalis的特別訊息,並閱讀完整的Pi Day公告以獲得詳細的資訊。
先鋒總動員 — 今天是Pi Day
Ps. All hands on deck出自航海術語,是在船艦遇緊急狀況時,立即召集所有人員上甲板集合的狀況
在Pi Network的這整整4年以來,我們達成了許多成就,而在過去的一年內,更是完成了驚人的目標:
• 創新且免費的KYC解決方案
• 新的動態挖礦機制
• 數百萬人映射主網
• 發佈了許多開發人員API和工具
同時,這邊官方宣布Pi Network的活用使用人數已經達到全球4,500萬人了!
展望未來 - 共同努力實現封閉網絡的主要目標:
1. 讓大部分的先鋒通過KYC驗證,並順利映射到主網
2. 打造Pi Network的實用性生態項目
- 封閉網絡目標是我們實現開放網絡的先決條件,而實現封閉網絡目標需要仰賴Pi 社區的所有成員。
• PCT (Pi核心團隊的縮寫)的主要工作目標為:「去中心化」與「廣泛分配獎勵」的結合
• 這次的公告會發佈有關核心團隊過去3個月的工作內容,但更詳細的產品和技術更新將在本季度末前後 (約3月底)提供。
• 第一次啟用KYC的帳戶:會與先前一般的常規KYC不同,在送出申請後如果有通過,會得到如下圖的暫時通過狀態,代表需要接受額外的檢查,然後才會收到「通過」的狀態,這類型的額外檢查將結合新提交的資訊以進一步驗證先鋒的身份。
暫定的KYC通過計劃是為了讓具有更複雜屬性的賬戶 (為了防止機器人和假帳戶)提供了繼續進行KYC並提供其真實身份證明的機會

我們宣布推出測試網(Testnet)生態系統,這是Pi瀏覽器 (Pi Browser)中測試網應用程式的新界面。
• 此項措施可以讓開發者用最低的標準進入測試網生態,最大限度地提高更開放的社區公用事業建設、協作和可見性
• 由於這些應用程式沒有經過仔細審查或驗證,先鋒需要自行決定是否使用這些生態,,如果這些應用程式的被發現有違規行為並舉辦,就會被刪除
• 此功能已部署中,很快就可以看到上線
這個功能已佈署,可以在Pi App如下圖步驟進行確認,此名單除了「自己的團隊」,也包含了「安全圈的所有成員」。

這部分提到的資源與2023 Q1佈署的功能一樣。
1. App to User payments:
即A2U (應用程式到使用者的付款功能),支持應用開發者和會員之間的支付流程,也可以簡單理解為退款。
2. Developer Wallets:
Pi核心團隊還一直致力於建構開發人員和生態系統計劃,旨在鼓勵和激勵所有先鋒聯合起來在Pi上創建實用性的應用程式,例如黑客馬拉松、PiOS和開發人員的服務支持。 有關此類計劃的更多詳細消息,將在該公告下方進行後續討論。
• 許多社區開發人員一直在參加於2023年1月初開始並於3月5日結束的Pi 2023 Q1 黑客馬拉松比賽,來自世界各地的先鋒提交了約360多個生態項目,如社交媒體應用程式、金融應用程式、市場、 遊戲、新聞應用、生態系統應用等等
• 之後會有一個特別的黑客馬拉松影片來專門介紹這次的得獎項目
• KYC驗證和映射
• 對於實用性生態的建設
1. 開發Pi應用程式:如果您具有軟體工程技術,並且可以開發移動網絡應用程式,請按我們網站開發人員頁面上提供的說明和資源來構建 Pi 應用程式
2. Pi核心團隊已經為社區開發者提供了很多資源,近期會公佈更多的方案,以利於生態建設
• 成為生態系統大使
生態系統大使應主動辨別、接觸並與您自己所屬的專業裡與生態開發者進行互動,以構建 Pi 應用程式,並可獲得Pi幣作為獎勵,甚至可以舉辦自己的 Pi 黑客馬拉松!
• 成為本地商家大使
大家可以到以下網站提交想法:導航至 www.minepi.com/support 並進入支持窗口(Support Portal), 找到「需要提出請求? 聯繫我們」(Need to raise a request?Contact us),向下滾動並選擇名為「社區提案/功能請求」(Community Proposals / Feature Requests)的選項,然後填寫表格。 對於“您的要求是什麼” (What is your request?) 的問題,請選擇「本地商業大使計劃」 (Local Business Ambassador program)選項。
• 使用 Pi 應用程式
即使您無法建購或參與上述開發生態的工作,您也可以自己使用 Pi應用程式做出貢獻,例如給予生態方回饋和建議,或者審查等。
本著構建的精神和「我為 Pi 做些什麼」的主題活動,如果您是一個為Pi感到驕傲的先鋒,且一直在為網絡做出貢獻或即將加入上述的任何努力,請通過以下方式展示您對社區的貢獻並使用標籤#WhatIDoForPi 在社交媒體(Twitter、Facebook 和 Instagram)上錄製與分享影片。
該影片可以是一段10秒的錄音,描述您如何為 Pi Network 在增長、分發、基礎設施、生態系統、社區和文化等做出貢獻,並將做出貢獻。 社區希望聽到並感謝您的努力。 這裡有幾個例子:“我是一名自豪的 KYC 驗證者並參與了 XXX 驗證。”,“我已經運行 Pi Node 超過 XXX 天。”,“我想構建一個 Pi 應用程序來解決 XXX。 ”,以及“我想成為一名生態系統大使,在 XXX 組織編程馬拉松。”
我們將在不久的將來在社交媒體和Pi影片中展示一些鼓舞人心的故事。 注意:所有提交均被視為受 https://socialchain.app/tos 服務條款約束的「用戶內容」。
感謝所有先驅者為 Pi Network 帶來又一個偉大的一年。 明年將取決於 Pi 社區中的每個人,我們期待著我們可以共同構建什麼。
@PiCoreTeam Mar 15th - 6:14am
Happy Pi Day 2023! Let’s celebrate Pi Network’s 4th anniversary since its official launch. Along with new product releases, we’re providing guidance on how Pioneers can contribute to the goals of Enclosed Network and bring the network closer to its Open Network period. Watch the special message from one of the Founders, Nicolas Kokkalis, and read the full Pi Day announcement for clarity and details.
All hands on deck, Pioneers—Today is Pi Day!
Since Pi Network was launched 4 years ago, we’ve celebrated amazing achievements that our community and Core Team have contributed together. In this past year alone, Pi Network has enabled an innovative Mass KYC solution to onboard millions of Pioneers without out-of-pocket cost, implemented a new dynamic mining mechanism in adherence to Pi’s meritocratic principles within supply limits, migrated millions of KYC’ed Pioneers onto the Mainnet blockchain, and enabled the Pi Platform on Mainnet while releasing many useful developer APIs and tools for ecosystem building.
These initiatives, along with many other improvements for the Pi ecosystem and infrastructure, have helped contribute to the great productivity and progress we have had this past year. Our network has continued to grow and reached over 45 million Engaged Pioneers distributed all over the world, despite the recent unfavorable news and the difficulties of the crypto and blockchain industry as a whole. Together, the Core Team and Pioneers have communicated and executed on our shared priorities to build a project that reflects our common goals of a more fair, distributed network built on Pi. But there’s still much work to do!
Moving forward, we’re emphasizing what Pi Network—the Core Team, Pioneers, and community developers alike—can do together to reach the primary goals of the Enclosed Network:
1. Mass verification of millions of Pioneers’ identity via a native, scalable KYC solution, followed by the migration of their mobile mining balance to the Pi Mainnet
2. Creation of real utilities for the Pi cryptocurrency through the Pi ecosystem
The Enclosed Network goals are prerequisites for us to reach Open Network, as explained in the 2021 December Whitepaper. Achieving the Enclosed Network goals relies on all members of the Pi community.
This Pi Day announcement is not only meant to be informative but also to inspire more collective efforts. In addition to the accomplishments we’ve all made and exciting news we’re sharing, you will find specific guidance on how Pioneers can make more diverse decentralized efforts to contribute to Pi Network and help it achieve its Enclosed Network goals faster— in the theme of “What I do for Pi”.
What the Core Team is doing
The backbone of Pi is its Pioneers. To empower those tens of millions of engaged, distributed individuals, the Core Team has been building, guiding and aligning the network components necessary for Pioneers to grow, collaborate, unleash their potential, use their talents, and diversely contribute to the shared vision of Pi. The core mining mechanism of Pi speaks to the essence of this meritocratic process of the massive Pi community’s collective efforts and the true meaning of decentralization—decentralized efforts paired with widely distributed rewards.
In the current Enclosed Network period, the Core Team has continued to build out infrastructure and necessary features to enable Pioneers to achieve the two goals. In addition to the achievements listed above over the past year, we’re announcing today some exciting new releases that will further empower the community.
Today’s announcement will only include the major new or recent releases. More detailed Product and Tech updates on what the Core Team has been working on for the last 3 months will be provided around the end of this quarter.
KYC for all!
While the network has already been providing mass KYC because the majority of the network was eligible to apply for KYC anytime they wanted, we’re making the KYC application open for all Pioneers!
Many of the newly KYC-enabled accounts will be able to apply to KYC through the Tentative KYC program. This means that, unlike the regular KYC process, Tentative KYC applications will go through additional checks after they’ve submitted documents and passed reviews by Validators before receiving the “passed” status. Such additional checks will combine the newly submitted information to further verify their identity. The Tentative KYC program gives accounts with more complex properties a chance to proceed with KYC and provide proof of their identities as real humans, while exercising caution in granting “passed” status.
The reason for such an eligibility rollout to KYC and the selective Tentative KYC program is to ensure the integrity of the network—cautiously allowing as many real human Pioneers as possible to pass KYC, while catching and preventing as many fake and bot accounts as possible. Not only is this important for the network, but it’s also fair for all human Pioneers who have been honestly mining in their own accounts.
New Testnet Ecosystem interface with Testnet apps
We’re announcing the Testnet Ecosystem, the new interface to Testnet apps in the Pi Browser. Overall, the current Testnet Ecosystem interface provides Pioneers with a preview of how the Mainnet Ecosystem might look—a central hub of selected apps/utilities with Mainnet apps criteria.
Through the Testnet Ecosystem interface, Pioneers can explore the Pi apps in the Pi ecosystem while community developers are able to give Pioneers exposure to their Pi apps to test, and iterate to build full-fledged apps—all helping the network identify and create true utility of Pi. This feature is being deployed and will be accessible very soon. These Testnet apps will be made accessible to everyone in the Testnet Ecosystem on a contingent basis, in the sense of “allow, but remove upon violations”.
This means that these apps are allowed in the Testnet Ecosystem by minimum initial criteria to maximize open collaboration and visibility in community utilities building, given that such apps are only connected to the Pi Testnet. However, since these apps are not carefully vetted or verified, Pioneers should use them at their own discretion with the expectation that they are still under development, and that they can be removed if violations by these apps are reported and verified. Apps available in the Testnet Ecosystem are neither ensured nor guaranteed to be accessible to Pioneers in the Mainnet Ecosystem which will adopt different selection criteria and procedure.
On one hand, developers will be incentivized to improve the quality of apps to increase their eligibility for the Mainnet Ecosystem, and on the other hand, Pioneers will engage more and more with Ecosystem as the quality and quantity of apps increase.
Since Pi Network has been strongly emphasizing utilities creations over the past few months through various Hackathons and developer initiatives, the Testnet Ecosystem interface is a great step forward to connect Pioneers with the expanding array of useful, interesting and fun apps. Remember, these apps are for you! Use them, give feedback to app developers, help improve these apps, and hopefully, you can enjoy them or otherwise find them useful!
Notify your teams to start KYC and migration
We are rolling out a new feature which allows Pioneers to share messages to members of their Referral Teams and Security Circles to remind and encourage them to start their own KYC and migration process. This feature will promote decentralized efforts to speed up the network’s progress in KYC and migration, so we can get closer to the Open Network.
Recent Pi Developer resources
The Core Team has made multiple improvements to Developer resources in order to further support our Enclosed Mainnet goal of Pi utilities creation. These efforts are in line with enabling the Pi Platform on the Mainnet to support developers from the general community and the most recent 2023 Q1 Hackathon with ecosystem building.
Two important releases, App to User payments and the Developer Wallets, are live on the Pi Testnet and are available for integrating and testing within Community Apps. App to User payments enables payment flows between app developers and members. Developer Wallets were released on Testnet, as specific wallets, for app developers to hold and utilize Pi for the apps they are developing. The Core Team along with community developers are testing these features to ensure they are secure and reliable. Once this testing is completed, these features will be made available on the Pi Mainnet soon.
Moreover, multiple other developer resources and improvements (e.g. Developer portal and Brainstorm updates) were deployed to support the overall environment and collaborative building process by community developers and Pioneers.
Ecosystem programs
The Core Team has also been working on various developers and ecosystem programs that are meant to encourage building and incentivize all Pioneers to join forces to create utilities on Pi, such as hackathons, PiOS, and developer support. More details on some of such programs will be discussed in a later section of this announcement.
What community developers are doing
Many community developers have been participating in the Pi 2023 Q1 Hackathon that started in early January and concluded on March 5. Over 360 final project submissions from Pioneers around the world included a variety of strong use cases like social media apps, financial apps, marketplaces, games, news apps, ecosystem apps, and many more. All Pioneers are invited to review and provide input on these hackathon submissions in the Pi Brainstorm app.
The Hackathon encouraged community developers to contribute to Pi Network and ecosystem growth by building mobile web apps for Pi that bring true utility to Pioneers. We are looking for creative, utility-focused apps that show the potential of the Pi developer ecosystem. Some of the resulting Pi apps will soon be accessible through the new features of the Testnet Ecosystem interface introduced above.
The list that will soon be available in the Testnet Ecosystem will not be a complete list of all submissions in the hackathon, nor are they fully vetted. Given that many of them are from hackathons, please explore with the expectation that they may have missing functionalities or scalability issues.They will be listed for Pioneers to see what type of Pi apps our community developers are thinking about and putting into action, explore and test their functionalities and usefulness. They can also inspire other community developers to create more apps.
The winners of the Hackathon will be announced in a different dedicated announcement after Pi Day and after incorporating Pioneers' input via the Brainstorm app. We’ll be also showcasing the Hackathon winning apps in a special Hackathon video.
Thank you, community developers, who participated in the 2023 Hackathon. There will be many more developer programs in the near future, and we encourage Pioneers to get inspired and submit your Pi app projects in future events!
What Pioneers can do
As exciting as all these accomplishments have been, the objective that they have been moving us toward is the most exciting of all: transitioning from Enclosed to Open Mainnet. However, this objective can only be attained when all participants—the Core Team, community developers and Pioneers—make their own respective efforts to prepare the network for its maturity and readiness for the Open Network period.
In essence, if we want Open Network to come sooner, let’s work for it! Specifically, the network’s maturity and readiness can be prepared by targeting the two concrete Enclosed Network goals mentioned earlier: 1) KYC and Mainnet migration of the network and
2) utilities creation and ecosystem building.
Now that all major essential infrastructure components for the KYC and ecosystem have been released and aligned, it is time for Pioneers to join forces and build towards these two Enclosed Network goals to progress towards the Open Network. Below is some concrete guidance on a few different ways Poineers can further contribute to the two goals, depending on their specific interest, skills and resources.
For mass KYC and Mainnet Migration:
1. Pass KYC and migrate yourself. Make sure you are ready to go to Mainnet yourself. With the new KYC release, all Pioneers can submit their KYC applications. If you have not done so, submit your KYC applications now. After passing KYC, please make sure you complete the Mainnet Checklist to get migrated to the Mainnet (Follow this video). A large number of Pioneers have passed KYC, but haven’t migrated to Mainnet yet because some items on their checklist have not been completed. So, finish those items and migrate.
2. Become a KYC validator. Once you successfully get KYC’ed and complete the checklist to migrate, contribute to allowing more Pioneers in the network to get KYC’ed and migrate by becoming a KYC validator in your country and region. The speed and throughput of a region’s progress in KYC and migration depend on the abundant availability, accuracy and responsible work by crowdsourced human validators. Join forces to speed up the KYC and migration process in your region.
3. Invite your Pi friends to KYC. For the massive network to go through KYC and migrate to Mainnet, individual Pioneers need to notify and mobilize their Referral Teams, Security Circles or any Pioneers they know to start and complete their own KYC and migration process. You can do so through the new feature to share mobile messages from the Pi mining app, to remind them to start their own KYC and migration process. You can also use any other communication tools and platforms where you connect with other Pioneers to do the same. The sooner more Pioneers get onboarded to the Mainnet, the closer we approach the Open Network.
For utilities building:
Develop Pi apps
If you have software engineering skills and can develop a mobile web app, follow the instructions and resources provided on the Developer page of our website to build a Pi app (with more developer resources to be added there). If you are a Pioneer with strong product vision and a clear roadmap to a Pi app that can lead to the utility of Pi, find and partner with developers in the network via Brainstorm or Chats, or outside of the network in your local environment to start building a Pi app.
We’re looking for creative, utility-focused apps, which can include entertainment, education, social interaction, access to information, consumer utilities, or anything else you can think of. The Core Team has provided many resources for community developers and will announce more programs in the near term to facilitate building.
Become an Ecosystem Ambassador
If you don’t know software engineering or have a product vision, you can contribute to ecosystem building by becoming an Ecosystem Ambassador through a new ecosystem program.
Ecosystem Ambassadors are expected to proactively identify, reach out to and engage with builders in your own personal and professional networks to build Pi apps, and in return receive Pi rewards. Do you have a friend or professional contact who has the technical skills and product vision to build useful applications? Are you a part of a university network or a network of software developers, or are you aware of any developer events and conferences? You can even run your own Pi hackathon!
Recall that Pi apps are mobile web apps that integrate the Pi SDK, and they can be built without any blockchain-specific programming language. This means, an existing app can also be easily repurposed into a Pi app—with the benefits of the awesome community that we are! If you know someone or a company that already has a consumer-facing app, you can help convince them to create a mobile web version of their app on the Pi platform.
As the apps that you help onboard to the Pi platform become successful, you will make more Pi for each such Pi app. A separate announcement later about the Ecosystem Ambassador program will include more details on how specifically the program works and the resources ambassadors can use to accomplish successful onboarding of app developers. We cannot wait for it!
Become a Local Business Ambassador
Already, many local shops and small businesses in many parts of the world are accepting Pi as a form of payments for real goods and services. The diversity of people, geographies, and goods and services Pi transactions represent is a beautiful tapestry worthy of a proud network. Local businesses are an important component to the Pi ecosystem and will make great contributions to building substance and utilities for the network. Local businesses are also where the grassroots power of the Pi community can be unleashed to have great potential and impact—something rarely seen in other networks.
We know that many Pioneers are shop and small business owners themselves while many other Pioneers living in their local environments have abundant access to and ability to convince local small businesses to integrate Pi. Thus, we are thinking about forming a program for Pioneers to onboard local businesses into the Pi ecosystem. However, we recognize some challenges in this endeavor, such as the large offline portions of local business activities, logistics and accountability etc. Thus, we are open to community proposals and ideas in the formation phase on how the program can be designed to encourage local businesses integration to Pi while resolving the challenges. If you are knowledgeable about local businesses or enthusiastic about this direction of ecosystem building, submit your ideas via Pi support portal. Stay tuned for more updates on this program.
To submit an idea: Navigate to www.minepi.com/support and enter the Support Portal. Under the box “Need to raise a request? Contact us”, scroll down to select the option called “Community Proposals/Feature Requests” and then complete the form. For the question “What is your request”, please select the “Local Business Ambassador Program” option. Using this format correctly will ensure that the Core Team is able to identify and review your message.
Use Pi apps.
Remember: Pi apps are built by and for the community. Even if you cannot build or join the above efforts, you can contribute by using the Pi apps yourself. Your usage of Pi apps provide great feedback to the Pi apps builders and the Pi ecosystem. Your genuine likes and dislikes will help developers build more useful apps that ultimately will serve you—the Pioneers. Only when the network has truly useful apps integrated with Pi can the ecosystem make progress in utilities creation, thus further preparing for the Open Network.
Showcase what you contribute to Pi
In the spirit of building and the theme of “What I do for Pi”, if you are a proud Pioneer who has been contributing to the network or who is about to join any of the efforts mentioned above, showcase your contributions to the community by recording and sharing a video on social media (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) using the tag #WhatIDoForPi.
The video can be a 10-second recording of you describing how you have contributed and will contribute to the growth, distribution, infrastructure, ecosystem, community and culture and more, of Pi Network. The community wants to hear about and appreciate your efforts. Here are a few examples: “I’m a proud KYC validator and participated in XXX validations.”, “I’ve been running a Pi Node for over XXX days.”, “I want to build a Pi app to address XXX.”, and “I want to be an Ecosystem Ambassador organizing hackathons in XXX.”
We’ll feature some inspiring stories on social media and in a Pi video in the near future. Note: All submissions are considered “User Content” subject to the Terms of Service at https://socialchain.app/tos .
Thanks to all Pioneers for another great year of Pi Network. This coming year will depend on everyone in the Pi community, and we’re looking forward to what we can build together.
恭喜您加入Pi Network和PAPC這個大家庭,Pi在未來是個非常具有潛力的區塊鏈項目,也是第一個在用有超過4,500萬人(2023年統計)的區塊鏈項目,其未來價值不可限量,也請各位加入群組討論:
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✔ 您已被邀請加入「Pi Network 亞洲最大發展推廣社群」!請點選以下連結加入社群!
✔ 您已被邀請加入「Pi Network 亞洲最大發展推廣社群」TG群組!請點選以下連結加入!