
各位先鋒們大家在2022都過得很不錯吧! 點擊"閱讀更新(Read Update)查看我們年末的技術和產品更新,提及許多(但不是全部)自從我們在上次Pi2Day(2022.6.28)後所進行的重大的更新進展和正在開發中的事項。
Read Update閱讀更新 重點整理:
以下報告為今年6/28 (PiDay)後的重要進展更新和基礎設施建設,包括:實現大規模 KYC、增強生態系統實用應用的建設和為開放式主網所做的準備。
(2)驗證映射在各方面的正確性和準確性:包括(但不限於)餘額、合規性和政策違規。在映射過程中,有必要時會將其進行還原,或進行恢復、修復 (大衛大:這就是為什麼有些先鋒簽署完後會被退回的原因)
(3) 確保主網映射流程的順暢,來讓用戶能更順暢地進行:例如清單、錢包、主網區塊鏈等
• 驗證先鋒的 Pi 可轉讓餘額是否正確
• 一旦通過驗證,可轉讓餘額就可以成功映射到主網區塊鏈上
• 進一步的驗證功能,讓需要更進一步驗證的先鋒在映射後,再被系統返回重新驗證,直到他們驗證完成並成功完整映射
• 在映射等待期結束後,錢包可獲得可使用的Pi餘額
• 允許先鋒訪問和管理主網映射過程
• Pi錢包介面的全面更新
🔹主網清單(Mainnet Checklist)用戶體驗的改善和bug修復,以確保先鋒順利地映射到主網:
(可以先參考這篇文章:Pi Network註冊第九步:第二次鎖倉與映射)
(1) 提高 KYC 應用程序的有效性、效率和安全性
(2) 將 KYC 申請名額擴展到更多的先鋒
(3) 分析數據和為已提交申請但尚未收到 KYC 結果的真人先鋒制定解決方案
可以參考這篇文章以了解更多KYC的進度:2022.12.9首頁更新 KYC公告
我們付出了極大的努力來促進 Pi 生態系統的發展(封閉網絡的兩個主要目標之一),以便為 Pi 體驗帶來更多的實用程序和可行的案例。 雖然我們已經在部署或開發更多的基礎架構功能,但核心團隊也透過許多方式在社區和新開發人員之間培養生態系統建設,例如參與黑客馬拉松、支持社區開發、搭建外部業務合作夥伴關係和內部核心團隊開發的應用項目。(大衛大:非常期待外部業務合作的夥伴會有哪些,會不會是之前從PCT社群經理職位離職跑去創業的Justin Wu呢? 或是其他知名的企業;還有PCT內部開發的應用是哪些,或許有可能是之前提到的多語言翻譯系統)
(1) 使Pi的SDK能夠連接到Pi主網(Mainnet),並為Pi SDK添加更多的功能,讓開發者在主網上構建更完整和用戶友善的Pi應用項目
(2) 鼓勵和吸引開發人員參與,並以更具引導性和教育性的方式改善開發人員使用 Pi 平台的體驗
(3) 為開發人員提供基礎開發設施和諮詢支持
(1) 在頂尖大學舉辦的校園黑客馬拉松(Hackathon),以及計劃於 2023.1.9舉行的黑客馬拉松比賽(第三屆)以及進一步的黑客馬拉松規劃和計畫:
可參考以下文章:2022.12.17首頁更新-Pi Network黑客馬拉松 2023、2022.10.27 首頁更新-Pi黑客馬拉松@頂尖大學、Pi Network贊助校園黑客松比賽
🔹改造黑客馬拉松的開發工作以打造 Pi 生態系統的實用性和案例
🔹計劃從2023年 1 月 9 日開始舉辦更多正在進行的黑客馬拉松
🔹App-to-Pioneers 的API功能 正在開發中,預計將在今年年底或明年1 月初推出 (大衛大:我們等待已久的SDK更新功能終於來了,App-to-Pioneers功能被開發之後,像是商城項目的退款就不用人工一個一個處理了)
(3) 開發者入口更新
🔹開發人員可以透過新的儀表板介面,更好地管理他們的 Pi 應用程序,其功能為部署了演示應用程序,使開發人員能夠快速設置自己的 Pi 應用程序
(4) Pi App引擎(Engine)V2已經佈署
🔹為使用 Pi App Engine的開發人員提供更簡單的設置,以便在可擴展的服務器基礎架構上輕鬆運行他們的應用程序,同時專注於構建他們的產品和前端功能
🔹全面改進生態系統中的 Pi 應用程序開發過程,特別是對於為生態系統做出貢獻並且資源較少,且對可擴展技術基礎架構了解較少的團隊 (大衛大:Pi Network在開發者的基礎設施上真的下了很大的功夫,項目方希望讓更多人能更輕易地在Pi鏈上進行開發和應用,降低進入門檻,這也才能使區塊鏈更蓬勃發展)
(5) MVP版的開發者錢包即將上線
🔹這邊指的MVP,應為Minimum Viable Product(最小可行性產品)
🔹開發人員可以很快創建特定於應用程序的錢包,這些錢包專為支持 Pi 應用程序操作而定製,而不是與個人先鋒帳戶相關聯的個人錢包使用 (大衛大:生態的企業錢包! 這對生態方的商業應用會有相當大的幫助,在隱私上也與個人的帳戶進行區別)
🔹該功能計劃於2023年1 月對開發人員開放
(6) Pi 聊天室(Chats)基礎架構更新正在開發中
🔹Pi 聊天室的後端基礎架構將發生重大的變化,會成為一個更加獨立的應用程序,從而可以更快地開發和部署未來的功能
🔹在未來,將更容易使Pi 聊天室的功能集成到生態系統中
除了上述的更新外,在社群和商業方面也做了大量工作來強化生態系統建設,例如向更多開發人員介紹 Pi 平台,激勵和吸引開發人員在 Pi 上進行開發,以及促進和支持開發人員部署 Pi 應用程序。 這些構建可行並基於實用性的生態系統的基礎工作都是為了開放式主網所必要做的準備。
我們見證並經歷了2022 年的重大事件和大幅度的進展,包含啟動大規模 KYC 和主網映射以及生態系統建設的基礎工作。尤其是在今年幣圈的劇烈動盪下,Pi展現了其獨特的非共識策略的優勢-長遠的眼光和注重循序漸進的實用性建設。 Pi Network 不僅能夠在此時的大環境喧囂中屹立不倒,並且能在白皮書的願景指引下,一直不斷地穩步前進和成長:「由世界上使用最廣泛的加密貨幣 Pi 推動,打造全球最具包容性的點對點生態系統和線上體驗。」
補充:如果您想知道2022幣圈發生了哪些動盪,可以看這篇文章:7 biggest crypto collapses of 2022 the industry would like to forget
我們對 2023 年將要發生的事情感到非常興奮—又朝著實現開放式主網的共同目標邁進的一年。 去中心化的努力對於構建去中心化網絡至關重要,其中包括區塊鏈、社區和生態系統,具有更完整的基礎設施和廣泛的實用程序。 這些努力不僅僅取決於任何一個小團體,而是取決於所有先鋒們的共同努力。
到 2023 年,將提供更多的溝通交流和指導,提供更完善的基礎設施基礎,先鋒們可以協作起來進一步發展和壯大網絡、 繁榮。 我們如同您們一樣都期盼著!
慶祝吧,我們祝你新年快樂,期盼為 Pi 社群帶來新的工作、新的創新和新的機會。
@PiCoreTeam Dec 27th - 8:02am
It’s been a great 2022 everyone! Tap “Read Update” to check out our end-of-year Tech and Product Update, where we describe many (but not all) of our most significant deployments and in-progress developments since last Pi2Day.
Read Update原文:
Pi 2022 End of Year Updates
Welcome to Pi Network’s tech and product update for the latter half of 2022!
Since Pi2Day (June 28th, 2022), the Pi Core Team has made significant progress in building the infrastructures and components needed for Mainnet migration, mass KYC, ecosystem building, and ultimately preparing for the next period of Mainnet.
Pi Network is at an important point in Enclosed Mainnet development, in which Pi is able to focus on two key priorities: enabling mass KYC and empowering ecosystem utilities-building. Both are essential steps toward our objective of building a viable ecosystem to get ready for Open Mainnet.
Today’s update focuses on work we did that is relevant and interesting for Pioneers, and may omit Pi Network’s innumerable efforts and deployments related to interfaces, backend, compliance, community success and bug fixes.
Specific Project Improvements
Mainnet Migration
Mass Mainnet migration has been initiated since Pi2Day (June 28th). Fully migrated Pioneers are now operating on the Pi Mainnet blockchain and using Pi within the Pi ecosystem based on the guidelines of Enclosed Network (read Whitepaper chapters here), and those who have completed the Mainnet Checklist can migrate their Transferable Balance from the mobile phone app to their wallet address on the Mainnet blockchain.
Work done for Mainnet Migration was three-fold:
Enable and scale the mass migration based on synchronized data from various sources such as mobile mining, KYC, Mainnet Checklist, compliance, etc.
Validate the migration’s correctness and accuracy on all fronts including (but not limited to) balances, compliance and policy violations. Revert it if necessary given the nascency of the migration; solve problems with migrations, and recover and resume from pauses.
Streamline the user experience of the migration by ensuring that each essential component is coherently pieced together, such as Checklist, Wallet, Mainnet blockchain, etc.
A few details on work are listed below.
Post-migration improvements to validation checks during the period pending of migration
Verify that Pioneers’ Pi Transferable Balances are correct
Once verified, balances can successfully migrate onto the Mainnet blockchain
Further verification features also can roll back the migration for anyone needing additional verifications before their full transfer
Wallet adjustments to facilitate Mainnet Migration
To enable Pi to be claimed after the migration pending period
To allow Pioneers to access and manage the Mainnet Migration process
Entire Wallet user interface updated
Mainnet Checklist user experience improvements and bug fixes to ensure the smoothest transition to Mainnet possible
Multiple Mainnet Checklist user-interface features and bug fixes, e.g. Improvements on Mainnet Balance dashboard, data synchronization in the backend and display, adding and amending steps in the Checklist, etc.
Post-migration lockups has been developed and will be released soon
To allow the lockup of Pi that has been migrated
KYC Solution
As a prerequisite step to the Mainnet migration for each Pioneer, the work on KYC has been primarily focused on 1) improving effectiveness, efficiency and safety of the KYC app, 2) expanding KYC to an increasing number of Pioneers, and 3) analyzing and working on solutions for real Pioneers who have submitted their applications and haven’t received KYC results. Please refer to the recent detailed update on KYC here for progress and next steps.
Pi Platform and Ecosystem + Community
We have put in significant efforts to foster Pi ecosystem growth (one of the two major goals of the Enclosed Network) in order to bring more utilities and use cases to the Pi experience. While multiple new infrastructure features have been deployed or are in development, the Core Team is cultivating ecosystem-building among community and new developers through participation in Hackathons, community development support, external business partnerships, and internal Core Team-created apps.
Specific tech and product work to this end was to:
Enable the SDK to connect to the Pi Mainnet and add more functionalities to the Pi SDK, allowing developers to build more complete and user-friendly Pi apps on Mainnet.
Encourage and engage developer participation and improve developers’ experience with the Pi platform in a more guided and educated way.
Provide infrastructural and advisory support for developers.
A few details on major features are listed below.
Major Hackathons conducted at top universities, and more Hackathons planned for early January, 2023 with further post-hackathon programs
Revamping Hackathon development efforts to build the Pi ecosystem’s utilities and use-cases
More ongoing Hackathons planned, starting Jan 9
Develop more developer-associated programs to support Hackathon developers for continued development
Additional API for App-to-Pioneers is being developed and will roll out either before the end of the year or early January
Mainnet Pi SDK launched and improved
Major update that allows Pi apps to migrate to Mainnet
More detailed and clearer documentations - Link to Github documentation
Full Developer Onboarding guide here (work in progress)
Developer Portal updates
New "Create App Checklist" released to guide developers on their app creation process step-by-step
New dashboard interface for developers to better manage their Pi apps
Deployed demo app to enable developers to have a speedy setup of their own Pi apps
Enable developers to register for Mainnet apps
Pi App Engine V2 is deployed
Simpler setup for developers who use the Pi App Engine to run their apps on scalable server infrastructure easily while focusing on building their product and frontend features
Allows more feedback on deployments to developers
Overall improves the Pi apps development process in the ecosystem, especially for selected teams that contribute to the ecosystem and have fewer resources and less knowledge about scalable technical infrastructures
MVP version of Developer Wallets will be released soon
Developers can soon create app-specific wallets that are tailored to support Pi apps-operations rather than personal Wallet uses linked with an individual Pioneer’s account
The feature is planned to be available for developers in January.
Pi Chats infrastructure change is under development
Pi Chats backend infrastructure will have a major change to become a more independent application that allows faster development and deployments of future features.
Will reduce Chat’s strain and impact on other services (which caused usage outages in the past)
Will allow easier future integration of Pi Chats features to the ecosystem
In addition to the tech and product efforts above, a lot of work has been done on the community and business side to nurture an ecosystem-building culture, introduce and educate developers about the Pi platform, motivate and engage developers to build on Pi, and facilitate and support developers to deploy Pi apps. This is foundational work for building a viable utility-based ecosystem—an essential preparation for Open Network.
Looking towards 2023
The network has witnessed major events and great progress in 2022, including the initiation of mass KYC and Mainnet migration and the foundational work of ecosystem-building. Especially in the context of the larger industry upheaval this year, Pi has demonstrated the advantages of its unique and non-consensus strategies—Pi’s long-term vision and the focus on step-by-step building of substance and utilities. Pi Network is not only able to stand firm amongst the noises of the industry’s larger environment, but has also been making steady progress and growth towards its goals guided by its Vision: to “Build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and online experience, fueled by Pi, the world’s most widely used cryptocurrency.”
We’re so excited for what’s to come in 2023—another year of building towards our shared goal of reaching the next period of Mainnet. Decentralized efforts are essential to building a decentralized network, which includes the blockchain, the community and the ecosystem with a more complete infrastructure and a wide range of utilities. This effort does not just rest on any one small group, but on all Pioneers together.
In 2023, more communications and guidance will be provided on where and how Pioneers can join forces to further develop and grow the network at a stage when the major parts of the ecosystem’s infrastructure are in place and aligned for things to take place and the ecosystem to flourish. We know you’re eager, and so are we.
Cheers, and we wish you a happy new year, filled with new work, new innovations and new Pi opportunities for the Pi community.
恭喜您加入Pi Network和PAPC這個大家庭,Pi在未來是個非常具有潛力的區塊鏈項目,也是第一個在用有超過4,500萬人(2023年統計)的區塊鏈項目,其未來價值不可限量,也請各位加入群組討論:
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